Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy Week...

So, I'm still getting used to this whole working full-time thing. Since I work 12 hour days, 3 days a week, I thought it'd be so nice getting the extra 2 days off a week. But it is super HARD! I know part of it is because I am still training as a new nurse, and part of it is I work in the ICU, so my patients are really sick. I'm adjusting, but I feel so tired and worn out. It also means that 3 days a week I hardly see Brandon and Cameron. That's probably the hardest part. I just have to remind myself about the extra days I can give them all my time. I feel like I'm still kind of in limbo. Hopefully as I adjust, that feeling will go away. I do really like my job, and I am very proud of myself each day in all that I've learned. (And Brandon is proud of my paycheck:))!

Cam said something so funny yesterday when I took him to school. He was disappointed that he had to go b/c he'd had a 2 hour delay, and he thought he was not having school. He started whining on the way there and said his leg "hurt so bad." I told him I'd have to take him to the hospital, then, b/c if your leg hurts so bad you can't go to school, it must be really bad. He proceeded to reply, "Mom, do you think we don't have a nurse at my school?" I said she'd call me, then I'd take him to the doctor. He frowned and said "My nurse doesn't give shots like you, Mommy. She just has temperatures and bandaids." I laughed so hard (after he left the car, he was so serious that laughing would've offended him.) He's such a sweet and funny boy and he always makes me smile:) He's excited right now b/c we're planning on getting a new bed, so he'll get our old one - which he loves! He also is excited to have more room for his stuffed animals - we have a queen, he has a twin. He keeps so many stuffed animals in his bed, he almost doesn't fit:)

Well, I'm heading to bed now - I have another 12 hour day tomorrow! Then I have 3 whole days off! Yippee!


  1. I am proud of you and all that you have done. You are my sugar momma.
