Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another busy couple of weeks...

Sometimes I feel like I need several days with nothing to do just to catch up on all I want to do. Unfortunately being married to a youth minister, working full-time, and being a mommy don't allow for that! My work schedule has changed to two 8 hour days and two 12 hours days a week which is nice on the 8 hour days and loooong on the 12 hour days. not long as in boring - that doesn't seem to happen much in the ICU, but long as in exhausting! I have been completely on my own for a couple weeks and have actually surprised myself. I've never been naturally good at many things, but nursing seems to be one of them! I was excited when I realized that - I don't know if that makes since to anyone, but it does to me:)
I am so happy with the warm weather we're having. We had so much rain that I was starting to get depressed. I am one of those people who needs sun and without it I get mopier and mopier. Well, Friday we had sun! We went to Owen's Farm with Cam's class and had a blast. I held a baby goat for a while which was a major highlight for me. The best part was that Cameron was so excited for me to be there. I've been trying to balance this full-time job thing and the mommy thing and sometimes fall short on one or the other - or things get left out, like all the laundry being done all the time. So, for him to tell everyone he wanted to sit with his Mommy felt great! I notice where I drop the ball, but he doesn't seem to, so that's good:)
This weekend I have 4 days off in a row! We are leaving Friday and Saturday for a youth paintball trip and getting back Sat. night. See what I mean about never having nothing to do? I'm excited though b/c my brother and Rachel are coming, and my Dad and Anna will be there. I'll get to go shopping with Anna, which is always fun!
That's it for now! Have a good week!

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